Thursday 23 August 2012

Criminal Stars

Thievery is alive and well in Hollywood. The glamorization of crime invariably tickles the curiosity of the public. Criminals have been portrayed as exciting, daring and cunning tantamount to hero status. They are the risk takers who should not be completely judged upon their criminal expression but rather looked at as individuals with some merit. They are cast sympathetically as their relationships are examined and ultimately lend credence to the justification, in their minds, of the criminal choices they have made. But worst of all, they are often shown as being ‘cool’, even as they hurdle towards the death of their freedom.

    Take, for example, the jewelry or art thief. Movies like the Italian Job, the Score and Ocean’s Eleven display criminals as generally model citizens, other than when they are committing crimes. There may be such criminals but are they so suave in their real lives? Are they seemingly morally upright in their relationships with others? Are they really just good guys who happen to commit crimes? In real life the majority of criminals are not suave, cool or sympathetic figures. They are cutthroat, ruthless and to a degree, sociopathic. Mob figures are the best example of the paradox between the glamorization of criminal life and reality of criminal behavior.

   All agree that the Soprano’s, a show about mob life in New Jersey, is a great show. The production value is high, the actors are skilled and the plot lines are well conceived. People get whacked, money gets laundered and criminals get promoted for good work. Yet, in order for the audience to tune in every week they must connect with the characters. Hence, the boss of the family, Tony Soprano is shown as a father, a husband and as attempting to improve his relationships with the outside world by visiting a therapist. This is a ploy to create sympathy for a ruthless murdering crime boss. And it works, as the Sopranos is a hit. What then are the real criminals doing?

   True mob figures don’t give a damn about the outside world. Their loyalty lies with their crime families. They lie, cheat and murder for riches and would stomp on the average person, literally, to further their gains. A true jewelry thief is usually a two bit criminal who robs the local family owned jewelry store, as can be verified by FBI criminal statistics. Real criminal life is fraught with betrayal, pain and stints in prison. Most criminals are caught at some point with over 13 million arrests made in the US in 2005 alone, according to the FBI.

   The business side of Hollywood is reactionary in nature. The glamorization of criminal life is partly in response to a demand by the public. Interest in stylized underworld figures comes from a public perhaps bored with their average daily existence. The idea that there are people who survive in a world where they ignore the law, fascinates us. But when the glamour is shaken off, and the dust clears, there is only an empty fancy suit left, where a thief once stood.

Convert your DVD movies to play on an iPod

Most iPods, besides their music features, offer high quality video capabilities; it’s one of the reasons they are one of the most versatile gadgets on the market. We all enjoy watching movies to relax and unwind, so why not convert your own DVDs to the iPod format and watch them whenever you want, wherever you are?

Transferring your DVD movies to play on your iPod, iPhone, Touch, or Nano can be simple, or in some cases, time-consuming and difficult. There are many iPod converters available, but only a few are worth purchasing: some are too expensive, some are hard to use, and many aren’t reliable (they mess up sound and/or picture, or they can’t convert new movies). A good iPod converter must meet the following conditions:

•    User-friendly interface – the program must be easy to use.

•    Fast encoding – the program must be able to encode fast so that the entire process will be finished fast.

•    Versatile – the Converter should be able to output video for all iPod Video formats: Classic, Nano, Touch, and iPhone.

•    Quality – the converted movie must offer excellent sound and picture quality.

•    Error Processing – the program must be able fix any problems that appear during the converting process.

•    Features – the program must have popular options implemented, such as picture quality, subtitles, different languages, etc.

It’s also helpful if the program has a tutorial/help section where the user can learn how to take advantage of extra features. Another important thing regarding conversion from a DVD to an iPod is the ability to zoom from widescreen to full screen. A good converter should have this feature implemented in order to allow for a clean transition.

The program should allow inexperienced as well as advanced users a satisfactory experience. For novice users, a good converter should have an option for automatically adjusting settings to achieve the best results. For advanced users, there should be the ability to manually adjust a wide variety of parameters. A good iPod converter should also allow converting from both NTSC and PAL DVD movies.

Excellent iPod converters can be found for around $40.00, and they’ll do everything, and often more, than some of the more expensive programs. You can try and go the inexpensive route, using two or three free programs in combination (Videora, DVD Shrink, Handbrake, etc.), but I found that the free programs involved a large number of steps, produced mixed results, and wouldn’t convert many new DVD movies (those produced over the past four years). Don’t get me wrong, I’m a thrifty guy, and if there’s a cheap way to do things, I‘m usually on-board, but in this case, the hassle just wasn’t worth it.  The advantages offered by a good converting program far outweighed the trial and error hassles I found using outdated free programs.

Converting your DVD movies to play on an iPod allows one to watch their favorite movies and T.V. programs while on the bus or subway, on airplanes or long drives, or whenever you have a few free moments. DVD conversion software is getting more and more popular, as they facilitate the perfect transition from the ‘big screen’ to the ‘little screen’.

Common Strategies of Animated Comedy

As an independent filmmaker specializing in animated comedy, I'd like to share my thoughts and observations on how to create projects intended to make people laugh (in a good way).  By taking a close look at recent popular shows and movies (i.e. Simpsons, Family Guy, Shrek, etc) I've outlined a brief analysis that identifies some of the major strategies of humor used in many of today's animated television programs and shows, as well as the advantages/disadvantages of implementing them. Just a note before we continue: this article isn't intended only as a guide for comedy filmmakers- I'm sure those of you who appreciate good humor will get something out of it as well.

The following compilation is the result of my own observations, and I'm certain you'll see what I mean if you take a closer look this Sunday night when Family Guy comes on.  Later, I'll share some of my own thoughts on the subject of creating effective humor for mainstream audiences.

1.  PARODY: This involves poking fun of well-known genres and plot formulas (action, horror, porn, etc), and making references to well-known films, TV shows, famous people, significant historical events, etc.  Very often, these genres, films, and TV shows are spoofed.  Think of the number of times you've seen a reference to a Kubrick film during an episode of The Simpsons, or a Star Wars reference in Family Guy to emphasize a joke. 

Advantages: First off, it's easy to do and often elicits laughs.  The basic structure of the joke is based on a well-known source, and the audience is likely to get it right away. 

Disadvantages:  To be blunt, it's lazy filmmaking.  Too much parody thrown in a story can often be interpreted as a lack of creativity/originality, and ultimately limits the project's depth.  Jokes/gags of this kind will only last as long as the spoofed or referenced subject is popular or is  fashionable.

2.  ANIMATION THAT IS DELIBERATELY BAD/CHEESY: Includes the use of poorly drawn/animated characters and backgrounds as an important element of the humor.

Advantages: Sometimes more efficient and more cost effective than using more detailed animation techniques.  It's funny to watch and calling some attention to the bad animation can generate new jokes and great sight gags.  Think of shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021.

Disadvantages: Like the parody, this can quickly turn into lazy filmmaking.  Depending only on bad animation for laughs might make the project difficult to maintain in the long run.

3.  GROSS-OUT HUMOR/EXPLICIT LANGUAGE: Includes humor that is, but not limited to being scatological, sexual, bloody, etc.  Also includes use of foul language.  Since the Simpsons and South Park, audiences have come to expect jokes of this kind.

Advantages: In small doses and if done with subtlety, gross-out humor and the use of explicit language combined with visual sight gags can be hilarious.

Disadvantage: Easy to overuse.  Dialogue containing too many four-letter words for the sake of being obnoxious will turn off most viewers.  Gross-out humor, if only used for shock value, will seem shallow if it does nothing to contribute to the overall story. 

4. NON-SEQUITORS (RANDOM HUMOR):  Jokes, statements, events, etc. that happen out of nowhere.

Advantages: Absurd humor that occurs at random works on several levels, which include the outlandishness of the act itself, its unpredictability, and also its general disregard for logic in context with the scene's apparent focus.  It can take an audience by surprise, and can add some originality to the project.

Disadvantages: If an absurd and random act suddenly shifts the focus of the story, it may disappoint viewers who have otherwise been engaged in the narrative.  Also, many people may not "get it," which has the potential of restricting the viewing demographic.  When a nonsequitor serves as a story's conclusion, it's usually evidence of an inability to create an effective ending. 

On creating more effective humor:

Characters with unique qualities: Trying to be original isn't easy, but it is a lot of fun.  When creating characters, don't worry too much about whatever's "hip" or "in" at the moment.  Start off with characters that have very specific personality traits, habits, etc.  Base them off yourself, off of people you know, your experiences, or just let your imagination run wild.  Give your characters specific hobbies, unusual interests (i.e. a hero that can't resist objects that squirt water), and/or specific likes/dislikes.  These concrete qualities will often provide opportunities to develop character, storylines, and above all, humorous events. 

Stories with solid conclusions: Many creative folks I've talked to notice the difficulty of coming up with good endings.  No matter what the genre, filmmakers of all sorts can learn a valuable lesson from mystery novel authors.  When you come up with the idea for a film, start by knowing how it's going to end.  This gives the story focus, and makes it easier for all the events to logically pan out.  Another important tip to remember- audiences will almost always forgive a film with a bad beginning, but will never forgive a film with a bad ending.

Understand that being funny isn't the same as acting funny:  Okay, what does this mean? Here's an illustration:  There was a video on the internet of a careless skateboarder falling on his face multiple times after trying to coast off the roof of his parents' house.  It wasn't funny to the skateboarder, but it was funny to most of the people who saw it happen.  Why?  On a psychological level, it's in our nature to laugh or take some kind of satisfaction in someone else's misfortune/failure so long as the screw-up doesn't result in death or dismemberment (most of the time).  On a more practical level, most of the online viewers laughed at the sheer idiocy of the act. After all, the careless skateboarder who plunged off the roof actually expected positive results from his stunt.  So how do we apply this to creating comedy? Create situations that are funny to the audience, but not to your characters.  One effective way of doing this is having your characters expect serious results from doing things that are clearly dangerous, stupid, or both.

These are just a few pointers to help you get started with creating your own comedy, or to help you understand some of the more successful comedy out there today.  I hope you enjoyed the article.  Have a good laugh!

Classical Movie - Why It Remains Relevant For Viewers Today

So what really is considered a classical movie? Can we simply associate as a black and white film noir thing? Containing some of those cheesy classical music? How about big powdered wigs? Do you think of the formal nature of both the characters as well as the period get-up and attire? Is a classic movie one which garnered 10 Oscars? Or do you think a classic movie simply one which down to the perception of the viewers and individuals?

The classical movie IS truly one of the great inventions since we discovered hamburgers. The classical movie is also the one show that we had the benefit of watching when we were kids, cause at the time only three television channels were available. It was during those good old Saturday afternoons and Sundays, when my dear father wasnt consumed by the sports programmes on show, when those classic movies from the past, movies featuring the glamour girls and the guys that inspired us boys to want to be cowboys, were made available for us to enjoy in all their splendour.

Though there is obviously a distinct difference between classical movies and classical movies with only classical period elements (music, costumes, storylines, etc.), I would like to address the delight of the classical movie of yesterday and today that does involve only a particular period of history and does, then feature only classical period elements.

I tend to associate the black and white flicks with the beauties and the beaus, the comedies with the curmudgeons, the histories with the insights into who people were back then, like us but with an added je ne sais quoi that we must find out, learn about, and finally to appreciate in as great a depth and as wide a breadth as we can, in order to do them the justice they deserve.

Say for example, my favorite classical movie of all time, Impromptu. This film basically enacts a couple of years in the lives of the characters George Sand, Franz Liszt, Freiderich Chopin, and the regal and wealthy folks who took artists in, allowing them to paint, create, compose, write, in exchange for wonderful company and fine entertainment. The film concentrates on Sand, who is bent on partnering with Chopin, her aggression equal in magnitude, as was his weakness. The costumes, the soundtrack, the dialogue, and the setting are all as breathtaking as the direction, technique, and the delivery of words and emotion.  There is even a theme or two that humans from the beginning of time until today can identify with or appreciatethe love and hate, good and evil, as well as longing and belonging motifs that are as timeless as the movie itself.

Other classical movie choices I have an affinity toward are those less mainstream & popular ones.  I would consider Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (though clearly POST-classical periods), Wilde, and Jefferson, for instance, as worthy of classical movie acclaim as say Amadeus, Emma, The Piano, and any number of Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson productions.

Cinema - Film Posters for the Collector

At The DiscountMoviePosters Store you will find that collecting posters is easy with tons of movie posters on the market. Our great selection of movie posters range from 1916 copies to about to be released movie posters. You can't be frusterated with our discounted prices.

In the event you are eager to be the 1st amongst your friends to hang the science fiction movie posters, now is the perfect moment to add a poster to your collection since the prices are so affordable! These movie posters could be regarded as classic movie posters and raise ten to twelve times in cost, just as the first Star Wars movie poster.

The collection of movie posters by film star is very fashionable. Do you need
Hollywood movie posters of popular actors like Clint Eastwood, Clark Gable, Paul Newman, Sylvester Stallone or George Clooney? Or do you prefer movie star posters of actresses - Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Jennifer Aniston, or Reese Witherspoon?

You'll find in our >classic vintage movie posters catalog, our site has a big assortment that includes French classic movie posters, Italian vintage movie posters, Classic Mexican movie posters, Vintage Russian movie posters, and German classic movie posters. For those of you who are history buffs there is background information about the movie era of each country and it includes artists and styles.

Included in our Vintage U.S. movie posters index, are Western Movie Posters, both new releases and classics.
Posters of westerns are purchased often bought for the interesting scenery or full of action photography.

If you are into collecting movie and movie star posters, then it is very important to become educated in how to restore and safeguard your movie posters.

  • Movie posters are developed for commercializing and are printed on thin, acidic paper. After a while these acids are going to hurt your movie poster. So movie poster maintaining techniques such as chemical stabilization, identifying pH levels and examining pH levels are essential methods to learn about.

  • Movie poster conservancy framing comes about when all materials used during the process of framing do not jeopordize the integrity of the poster.

  • Concerning poster reconstruction Valuable posters could come with irregularities. Restoration specialists can mend the irregularities and possibly mend torn off pieces to their genuine condition.

Bruce Lee - Enter The Dragon



"Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own"
- Bruce Lee


Bruce Lee Jun Fan Yuen Kam was born in the year of the dragon, 1940, and at the hour of the dragon, between 6 and 8 AM.


Bruce's ancestry was Chinese and German. His father was Chinese while his mother was of German-Chinese decent. Her mother was Chinese and her father was German.


Jeet Kune Do, also known as Way of the Intercepting Fist, was Bruce Lee's personal martial art style. He developed it with the idea of being more flexible and practical with martial arts techniques. In doing so, he commonly considered the greatest martial artist of the 20th century.


His Jeet Kune Do instruction was a premium in the highest demand and commanded a staggering $275 an hour. His students consisted of some of Hollywood's most elite, including Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Joe Lewis and Chuck Norris.


In many ways his celebrity gave him a parallel to the characters he portrayed as he was contantly being challenged by movie extras and other men who could get near him seeking to gain fame by beating him in a fight. Many tried, but he was never beaten.


His last film was "Game of Death" and was his only film to be shot with sound. His earlier films were shot without sound and the voices were later dubbed in.


Nunchaku were Bruce Lee's hand weapon of choice and when wielding a pair he was an undefeatable force. He developed his legendary routine under the instruction of karate master Hidehiko "Hidy" Ochiai. The two men first met at the Los Angeles YMCA in the mid-1960's.


Bruce Lee's ultimate secret was his lightning quick speed. To demonstrate he developed a trick where he had a person hold a coin and close his hand around the coin, but before they could do so Bruce would quickly remove the coin and replace it with another most often without the participate even realizing what had happened. When they opened their hand, it would be the new coin.


As most know, Bruce Lee's death was deemed to be extraordinarily bizarre. Motivating many to be belove it was the work of "Oni", a Japanese term for demons or evil spirits. This curse apparently carried on to his actor son, Brandon Lee.


During an interview, composer Lalo Schifrin revealed that Bruce often trained to the "Mission Impossible" TV Show soundtrack.


Another claim to fame was Bruce mastered a technique called, "The One Inch Punch". With it he could deliver a devastating body punch just with his fist just a mere inch from his target.


Elvis Presley and Ed Parker had a pet project film they were constructing in 1973 and 1974, but then suddenly it was forgotten until 2003 when the footage resurfaced. The film is basically groups of martial arts experts going at it. The cast reads like a 'who's who' of the martial arts world of the time and although he is not featured in the film, 20 minutes of never-before-seen footage of Bruce Lee was also discovered with this lost footage.


When he passed away on July 20, 1973 Bruce Lee was only 32 years old was 5'7" and weighed 128 pounds. He might have been small in stature but was one of the all time greatest film stars and the most accomplished martial artist in modern history.

Bring Home a Real American Hero

After 40 years of fighting the bad guys, Hasbro's very own American hero, G.I. Joe, is finally coming home - in the form of his very first full-length CGI feature film on DVD.

In "G.I. Joe: Valor Vs. Venom," brought to you by Paramount Home Entertainment and Hasbro, the popular character sets out to protect the world from complete destruction. Once again he faces off against the evil Cobra, who has unleashed an army of unstoppable soldiers with fierce battle skills.

The leader of this formidable army is none other than the infamous Venomous Maximus, a creature made using the DNA of G.I. Joe's own Commander, General "Hawk" Abernathy, as well as that of some of the most terrifying creatures in the universe. In order to defeat Cobra's army and save his own Commander from this chilling fate, G.I. Joe needs to summon all of his scientific and heroic skills.

Marking the 40th anniversary of the G.I. Joe character, the DVD features tons of special features for his loyal fans, including a trading card game guide, a CD-ROM game and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the movie's creation.

You can also scroll through character profiles, groove to a Valor vs. Venom music video and check out a drawing board-to-film comparison.

If you're doing the math, G.I. Joe debuted in 1964 as an 11 1/2- inch doll for boys that had 21 moving parts. After the movie "The Story of G.I. Joe" was released, he became the world's first "action figure."

While the character's challenges most often dealt with the evil Cobra Commander, G.I. Joe was also called upon in 1992 to help the Drug Elimination Force combat the growing drug problem. In-school programs were launched using the character to teach kids about the dangers of drug use.

Filled with history, as well as important lessons for kids of all ages, G.I. Joe has continued to reinvent and modernize himself throughout the years, without losing sight of his main mission - to protect the world from evil.

Now you can take home this timeless character in "G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom" to share with future fans of the ever-evolving G.I. Joe, who is still up for the challenge of educating the young and old.

In stores now, "G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom" is rated PG and has a retail price of around $20. - NU

Bollywood actress hot & sex y cleavage pictures and videos

Besides its factual description, sex carries a significant weight in all aspect of the entire world. It does affect people’s discourse in various areas apart from politics, religion, sports, economics, education and entertainment. Similarly Bollywood is greatly influenced by bollywood sex, Boobs and bollywood sexiest actresses are doing wonders in it, known for their curvaceous body and exposing lot of their skin in bollywood movies.

The tremendous bollywood babes like striking Priyanka Chopra, leggy Shilpa Shetty, bootylicious Ayesha Takia, voluptuous Bipasha Basu, gorgeous Malaika Arora, stunning Katrina Kaif and even the upcoming lady on the block and sensual Jia Khan are well-known for their sexiness and seditiousness in bollywood.

The all time news buzz Mallika Sherawat is an eminent figure in bollywood for her sexy body and showing her skin. From the hot and spicy films like Murder, Mallika had set a trend for highlighting bollywood breasts. Exposing bollywood boobs has now become a vital element in gaining instant popularity for which bollywood sexiest actresses are adopting various mode like as featuring themselves as nude bollywood at various occasions like shows or bollywood nude photo shoot in magazines.

Unlike other bollywood sexiest actresses Kim Sharma, a bollywood sex and hot babe was approached by Maxim magazine in which she was asked to show her bollywood boobs. But the bombshell ducked out and went back to her home refusing the offer. Vikram Bawa wanted her to give a revealing pose as much as she could or try giving nude bollywood shots for the front cover of his magazine. At one point this dazzling actress accused Bawa for wanting to show her bollywood breasts only for her pleasure.

To hit the headlines or to publicise themselves bollywood sex iest actresses don’t hesitate to go for breast enhancement surgery. According to a report, the sizzling Bipasha’s bust line has more increased by 3 inches. She underwent this surgery for her role in the movie Jism in which she has exposed bollywood breasts a lot. These sex babes sexily highlight their cleavage onscreen and offscreen as well. The two sisters Malaika Arora Khan and Amrita Arora Khan are also known for their bold poses and appearance. The elder one is recently spotted in bollywood bikini in the current released movie Welcome. Most heard name in bollywood bikini is of Celina Jaitley who mostly appears in bikini on the screen exposing bollywood boobs. Bollywood actresses like Koena Mitra, Kim Sharma, item girl Rakhi Sawant, Bipasha Basu, Ayesha Takia, Mallika Sherawat etc are well known for having sexiest bollywood breasts.

The existence of bollywood boobs of bollywood sex iest actresses is not a present trend but it is prevailing since the golden era of legendary Raj kapoor. In his great hits like Mera Naam Joker, Satyam shivam Sundaram, Ram Teri Ganga Maili and Prem Rog, the actresses were dressed in a way to showing up their cleavage of Bollywood Breasts, boobs . After turning down by bollywood beauties like Esha Deol and Malaika Arora Khan to walk on the ramp in two-piece exclusively for the Ms. Bikini India contest, the next name in the list is of Neetu Chandra who will be performing hot numbers in the event wearing bollywood bikini to add a little glamour in the most awaited event. For more information about bollywood sex, bollywood nudes, bollywood actress, sexy bollywood scenes, visit the page:

Blades of Glory - Review

Set for release on March 30, 2007, Blades of Glory from Dreamworks is a sports comedy directed by Josh Gordon and Will Speck and Produced by Ben Stiller.

Will Ferrell and Jon Heder are the lead "pair", who exploit a loophole to do their act in this movie - which is to "Kick some Ice".

So, welcome to the world of competitive figure skating - and all its passion and power generated by an unlikely pair who aim to steal the trophy, beating the odds. Two men skating together -- Chazz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) and Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) - become the first male pair in the history of figure skating!

As states, 'figure skating for the first time ever is finally watchable. Also, hilarious.

Blades of Glory is about two rival figure skaters (Ferrell and Heder) who after a fight with each other in front of 30,000 fans, have their gold medals stripped from them and are banned from competitive skating for a lifetime.'

Three years down the line, one is many pounds heavier while the other is still girlish, but still not "hot". Both agree to put aside their differences as well as their similarities - they're both men! --and exploit a loophole (created exclusively for the movie) that would allow them to compete in the pairs figure skating category.

This category is, of course, usually reserved for opposite-sex couples and this duo must go face-to-face with fierce competition from rivals far more experienced at the art, such as Stranz (Will Arnett) and Fairchild (Amy Poehler), the unrelentingly competitive reigning champion pair.

'Amy Poehler and Will Arnett (as evil brother and sister figure skaters) manage to steal almost every scene they're in. There are some really great moments including a hilarious ice skate chase and some very funny ice routines (that i won't spoil). The ice skating was never boring. And the costumes are as funny as the people wearing them, especially the outfits given to Poehler and Arnett. Also, Jenna Fischer has never ever looked as hot as this. Purr-Rawrr.'

This very funny movie was shot in both Los Angeles, California and Montreal, Quebec (Canada).

Black Christmas movie review

This festive fright-fest was a nice surprise from what I was originally expecting. This is another horror remake (from the people behind ‘Final Destination’ – great film), but un-like so many others; it did manage to come up trumps; such as ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.’ This is a remake of Bob Clarke’s 1974 classic slasher movie, ‘Black Christmas’; which actually came four years before John Carpenter’s ‘Halloween’. Some fans lay claim that it was the original slasher flick.

From the outside, this looks like just another of your basic ‘there’s a psycho hacking up a bunch of pretty girls, who are running up the stairs instead of out of the door,’ and to a certain extent that’s correct, it’s the way this is conveyed which is interesting and enticing to watch.

The story: crazed killer, Billy Lenz, escapes his psychiatric ward and is determined to make it to his childhood home, where he was abused, by Christmas. Problem is, it’s years later and the home is now a Sorority house. It’s Christmas Eve and a who’s who of teen/horror girl stars are there to welcome him, including Melissa (Michelle Trachtenberg , ‘Buffy the vampire slayer’ fame), Heather (Mary Elizabeth Winstead, ‘Final Destination 3’), Dana (Lacey Chabert, ‘Mean Girls’) and Kelli (Katie Cassidy, ‘When a stranger calls’ remake.)

This movie is actually pretty good, it has a constant feeling of being watched that runs right through it and adds a sparkle to the scares, and the tension is kept high. The actresses, although spouting some awful lines at times, also say some good ones. The acting is good, and because most of the leading ladies are stars, and most of them horror stars, the audience doesn’t guess which one is going to make it to the rolling credits. The story-line builds well, and there is a mounting tension, as the killer first phones the girls, and then starts to do away with them.

A similar storyline to the original ‘Halloween’, with a killer coming home for the holidays, there are also many similar P.O.V shots of the killer, watching the girls throughout the house. The Christmas theme bleeds in nicely with the plot, and it comes across in places (especially, the flash-backs to Billy Lenz’s childhood) like something, director, Tim Burton, would dream up. The film gets darker and darker as we move through it, with some very violent scenes, and the music by Shirley Walker is great; capturing horror and Christmas all in one twisted melody. Also, the use of red and green lighting throughout (owed to Christmas) is very cool, and creates a great atmosphere.

Due to it being set in a Sorority house, and this no longer being 1974, some of the dialogue just doesn’t cut it. I can’t imagine many of these girls’ staying in the house with a crazed serial killer, just because they can’t find their ‘sorority sister,’ believable in 2007 – sad, but true. There is, unfortunately, the obligatory shower scene, but it’s used for scares, not thrills, and so works.

Right from the start you can tell, this isn’t your usual run of the mill slasher, it actually has a back story, and we do find ourselves caring for some of the characters, for example, Kelli, played by Katie Cassidy is great; plus if you hated ‘Dawn’ in ‘Buffy the vampire slayer’ – you are gonna love this movie.

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Article Body:
Now-a-days the Internet plays a very important role in buying and selling of event and concert tickets. It comprises of nearly $10-$12 billion event ticket market -- particularly for sold-out sports games, music concerts and popular plays. Online ticket market includes professional brokers that provide you with these event tickets at very competitive prices with a great ease.

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Of course, the big beneficiaries are the consumers like us. We can now compare prices in a flash, find great seats that used to be only for people who knew someone important or who had season tickets, got a hot tip, or was somehow ‘in-the-know’. What else could we do? There was no other way.

You may have another concern that how to buy tickets online? It is also a very simple procedure. You can buy tickets online just like you would buy a any other commodity say, a book online. First of all, find a website that sells what you want, enter your credit card and shipping information and you’re done. Compared to going down to the box office weeks before the event and waiting in line when the tickets first go on sale, buying online is much better.

There are also secondary online markets. These website sell tickets that already have been sold out. Sometimes you may find prices a little bit higher than the face value in the secondary online ticket market. This is because service fees are added. You have to pay for the convenience and the opportunity to purchase tickets concerts that have already been sold out.

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Art Posters

A work of art is a timeless treasure and an eternal source of joy. While the functional utility of posters has been exploited for ages, the aesthetic appeal of posters has elevated their status and transformed them into a unique form of art. Poster production is done by lithographic printing on paper, which is a relatively inexpensive form of printing. However, poster art has found its own class of collectors and admirers. Moulin Rouge made history when it sold for a record-breaking $200,000 at a fine art poster exhibition. After the success and popularity of the 1970s vintage poster market in France, posters have caught on among the masses across various countries.

A piece of poster art is not just a visual treat; it speaks out and conveys a message. An individual piece is conceived by an artist through the creative execution of his/her insight, but these are not necessarily decoded by another. The message varies depending on individual perception. Art posters are used as unique pieces of decor. They create a particular mood, define the ambience of the room and reflect the possessor’s personality. Apart from personal purchases, it can be purchased as a special gift item. Both the online and offline market provides numerous options to a lover of poster art.

Many poster exhibitions, auctions and museums showcase art posters. Collectors can get information from various collector’s magazines like Jon Warren’s price guide, Movie Poster Price Almanac, and many more. Online guides give a good idea about the pricing of various posters and collectibles, and how to get a good deal. The collectible value of a piece can be determined to some extent by some standard parameters, like the demand for the poster, its condition (weather damaged, stained or not), and what issue the poster is. However, the decision about the collectible value of an art poster is subjective.

Art posters can be of various kinds, like vintage original posters, specialty prints, fine art, movie or music posters, posters of nature, abstract posters and many more. Alice in Chains, Fallout Boy and Avenged Sevenfold are few of the rare music posters. Limited edition posters are also popular. The magical charm and ambience created by the classic movie posters of the golden era can hardly be resisted by any one. Art posters have a charm and loyal following of their own that is hard to resist.

Apple's 2007: That Was the Year That Was

The biggest Apple story for 2007 is the phenomenal number of great products it released. OK, perhaps not every product was great. However, they were all still exciting and generated significant buzz. What other company can say that?

Here's my look back at Apple's year. I offer my brief assessment of each new product -- with the benefit of end-of-year hindsight.

iPhone Calling

iPhone. The invention of the year. The gadget of the year. The you-name-it of the year. Could this product possibly live up to all this hype? Yes. Definitely.

Of course, it is not perfect. Where is voice dialing and built-in GPS, for starters? I am already salivating over the expected 3G iPhone 2.0 coming in 2008.

However, the 1.0 version is still as close to an out-of-the-park home run as anyone could wish for. For my money, it's the most groundbreaking product Apple has created since the original Mac in 1984. It's already hard for me to imagine how I managed without one. Whether I am looking up a location in Maps, checking movie times in Safari, listening to my voicemail with the incredible ease of its visual interface, sending a quick e-mail message, enjoying music (which I do more often now that I always have an iPod with me), or playing one of the games I added after hacking the device, it seems that I am always using my iPhone for something.
Leapin' Leopards

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. A mixed bag. Yes, it has some intriguing new features. I am especially fond of screen sharing and Back to My Mac. Time Machine is also a plus.

However, the more I use Leopard, the more I find that it actually offers very little in the way of "must have" features. Indeed, if I was forced to revert to Tiger tomorrow, I wouldn't object. Actually, I would welcome a return to the Dock in Tiger (with its hierarchical folder menus) or the firewall in Tiger (with its ability to turn individual ports on and off). Then there are the too-numerous startup and login problems in Leopard (see my recent MacFixIt column for exactly what I mean here). I have the sense that, with all the other stuff Apple had going on in 2007, Leopard was not given the attention it needed. It may take until around version 10.5.3 before Leopard is truly a "finished" product.

More Needed for Apple TV

Apple TV. I own one and I enjoy it. I have it connected to my home theater system in my living room. However, my major use of it is for playing music, not video. For streaming music from iTunes, it is a far better choice than the AirTunes component of an AirPort Express -- because Apple TV offers a video interface and remote control. Even better, by syncing files to the Apple TV's hard drive, you can play music without having to be connected to a Mac at all.

For Apple TV to live up to its name and be really useful as a "TV," it needs a significant upgrade. An obvious starting point would be some sort of DVR-like capability.
AirPort's Landing

AirPort Extreme. If you are thinking of upgrading to a new AirPort Extreme Base Station for the speed boost of the 802.11n network, you probably shouldn't bother. In particular, if you use your WiFi network just for connecting to the Internet, your Internet speed is a bottleneck that will prevent you from seeing any overall speed gain as compared to 802.11g. Actually, the speed result can be even worse than no gain at all (as I detailed in the MacFixIt column months ago), due to problems with signal strength specific to "n" networks.

Still, the ability to add a networked hard drive to the Extreme is a plus. Of course, if you have no wireless router at all, the AirPort Extreme would make a worthwhile purchase.

Touch: Crippled iPhone?

iPod touch. I have done an almost 180 degree turn here since the initial release of the iPod touch. My first reaction was: Great! Here is the iPhone-less iPhone that users have been clamoring for. Now you can have the iPhone's touchscreen interface without having to pay for a two-year phone contract.

My more recent reaction, however, is closer to "What's the point?" I know I am showing my iPhone bias here but ... the iPod touch does so much less than the iPhone that I keep feeling the touch is just a crippled iPhone. For US$100 more in initial cost, you can have an iPhone with the same 8 GB of memory, all of its added features and save yourself having to carry around a second device as an iPod. If you are willing to go with AT&T (NYSE: T) as your mobile phone carrier, the iPhone is the way to go.
New Nano, New Life

iPod nano. The new nano is a worthy successor to the previous generation nano. I was especially glad to see that it now plays video, even though I suspect most users will not be watching much video on it. On the downside, I am not a fan of the redesigned "fatter" shape.

iLife '08. I still have mixed feelings about iMovie. It is definitely easier to make a quick movie now, but I miss the timeline controls that I now need to upgrade to Final Cut Express to get.

For iPhoto, its biggest new feature is Events. Personally, I don't have much use for it. Indeed, it sometimes gets in my way, creating events automatically that I would prefer not be created.

The improvements in GarageBand are cool. I had fun with Magic GarageBand. The ability to easily make multiple takes of a recording is definitely helpful.

Overall, iLife '08, a bit similar to Leopard, is a worthwhile but not essential upgrade. Still, if you are upgrading to Leopard, you'll probably want to upgrade here as well. Of course, if you buy a new Mac, you get the new iLife included.

A Nicer Workplace

iWork '08. Numbers gives iWork a spreadsheet, and it's an excellent one, with Apple's expected attention to visual appearance and interface details. Pages and Keynote have been nicely upgraded as well. The tracking feature in Pages is an especially big plus; animations in Keynote provide some fun new options. iWork '08 may not be ready to replace Office for most users, but it keeps getting better with each new version. If you don't absolutely need Office, iWork '08 is a great alternative.

Those Mac ads. Finally, a word about those "I'm a Mac; I'm a PC" ads. Some may find them a bit irritating. Some may claim they overstate the advantages of a Mac. Some may feel they have begun to wear out their welcome. Not me. I still find them to be one of Apple's best ever ad campaigns. I enjoy each new batch. I especially got a kick out of the special one that opened the WWDC this year (you can still see it here).

If nothing else, the ads are a fun way to feel good about the Mac, and why not? It's been a great year for the Mac and all the rest of Apple. As I said at the outset, even if not every product was a complete success, you still have to be impressed by the sheer number of worthy products Apple put out. It's hard to imagine Apple topping itself in 2008, but we'll soon begin to see. Macworld Expo is just around the corner.

All Along the Watch Tower - Interactive TV

What's so cool about interactive TV? It puts you in (almost) total control of your viewing experience. You can the change camera angles on sports events, games and order food. In its broadest sense - promoted by the interactive industry - interactive TV is anything that allows consumers to have more control over their televisions such as video on demand to watch your favorite movies whenever you want.

Lean Back & Relax - Interactive TV

You sit at your computer all day that gives you a stiff neck. Interactive TV is a "lean back" or should we say "lay back" and relax viewing experience. Ever wonder what makes Interactive television work? Software, what else? The interactive elements are controlled by the set-top box on your TV set for Interactive capabilities like T-commerce, tickers, overlays, games, email, news, etc.

Clouds in my coffee - Interactive TV

While Interactive TV has the potential as a staple in the offerings of cable TV operators, there are some hurdles to overcome on the way to Interactive TV heaven. For example, interoperability is major issue related the set-top boxes on your television. They control which Interactive TV programs you watch and shut out other cable TV operators. The advantage of complete interoperability is to own one set-top box that let's you see all the Interactive TV shows.

Consumer Viewing Habits - Interactive TV

In its broadest sense - the one promoted by the interactive industry - Interactive TV includes anything that allows consumers to have more control over their televisions. Video on demand, for example, lets users order up movies whenever they want, rather than wait for set start times. In the general sense, Interactive TV can mean any kind of interaction with the TV,
whether through program guides, video on demand and more.

Changing Viewing Habits - Interactive TV

Interactive TV has changed viewer habits by giving them more control over their television set. viewing day and night. These can include games, shopping applications, tickets, weather reports and the like. Digital video recorders are also considered interactive TV. They digitally record shows and may be programmed to select programs you might like to watch…. Imagine that! Your TV set now chooses shows for you to watch based on your viewing habits. What will they think of next?

Advantages Of Watching Movies Online

If you enjoy watching movies or you just appreciate a well-made movie then it is a certainty that you are interested in a facility that allows you to watch your favorite movies anytime you want. Nowadays, this is a very easy thing to do as there are many of sites that offer such services. You can easily watch movies from your own room without having to spend a small fortune on renting the DVD or going to the cinema. This method allows fans to watch movies shortly after their release by downloading them or watching them streaming.

Speaking of movies, the fans can enjoy not only movies released in the United States but also from other countries at only a few clicks away. Locating movies is a very easy thing to do as the sites that provide the latest links to online movies and online television shows have the facility to locate the movies by categories or countries. Another method of searching for a certain movie is by the movie title, a certain actor or other similar movie characteristics.

If you understand foreign languages you can watch a foreign TV station and enjoy a movie in your native or second language. A brand new technology called satellite television for PC allow computer users to receive and access as many as approximately 3,000 TV stations and over 1,500 radio stations. Sites that offer these kind of services, with other words, sites that provide the latest links to online movies and online TV shows are worth a try as they are not only easy to use but reliable and safe. Basically, some of the main advantages for movie fans are:

• Visitors can download the movies legally and in a safe way.

• Users have the ability to watch the movies streaming.

• Movie fans can watch their favorite movies in a very high quality imagine.

• Besides movies, users can view television shows, sports, documentaries and others.

• All these shows can be watched onto the computer monitor, television or even a projector.

This is the perfect solution for movie fans that are looking for certain old movies that are almost inaccessible. Young people enjoy watching new movies online nowadays as they have 24h access to the Internet and they spend several hours in front of their personal computers rather than watching the TV. The satellite TV on PC gives the visitor access to stations, some of them aren’t even available on conventional satellite TV. Users can watch dramas, comedies, action movies, anything they want, the offer is rich.

All things considered, it looks like the Internet has another big thing for visitors thanks to these sites that offer links to online movies and online TV shows which are getting more and more popular among Internet user as this method is not only safe but also fast and cheap. Searching for your favorite movie was never as easy as it is now, at only just a few clicks away, without headaches, without having to run down to the DVD store to rent/purchase it. What else movie fans can desire?

A New Meaning To The Way We Perceive Television

TiVo is a consumer video device that allows end users to capture their favorite television programs to an internal hard drive. Since its introduction in 1999, TiVo has attracted an ever-growing number of clients. Although TiVo is, in fact, very similar to video recorders, the technologies it employs are complex and sophisticated, allowing more freedom of choice and better selections to be made by the user. The device not only records the programs that the user specifies but also presents other related material that is of potential interest.

All the information is stored on a non-removable hard drive, which offers plenty of space. You can record up to 140 hours on your TiVo, selecting the exact programs that you are interested in. The box then does its job recording everything you wanted while you are “out living life”, as TiVo makers state. Additional features include the fact that you can pause a live show being recorded and replay it. The user also has the option of “time shifting” a program – viewing it without waiting for the recording to complete. Another useful feature is the slow motion mode, which enables you to watch that favorite sports scene over and over in great detail. You also have the option of searching a show by title, actor, genre or keyword, bringing the TiVo experience closer to the realm of the World Wide Web. And speaking of the Internet, you can set up the recordings on line as well. The device was quickly accepted by viewers in USA and Great Britain, where this service is available. Today the company has around 5 million subscribers in America for its Tivo service.

The TiVo box is easy to set up and works with antenna, cable, digital cable, satellite or any other combinations. You also need to activate the TiVo service, which enables you usage of the box and grants you access to all the device’s features. TiVo’s creators were TiVo Inc., a company started by Time Warner’s Full Service Network and Silicon Graphics. To find out more about TiVo go to their website at .

There is no doubt Tivo has expanded the arrey of choice of entertainment in the American living room. It has been a great addition, especially for the busy way of American life as it has given them an added way to organise their living.

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5 Christmas Movies For The Whole Family To Enjoy!

Christmas is coming! And, Christmas time is all about family and togetherness. We’ve put together some recommendations for movies to have on hand for the Christmas season that the whole family will enjoy. These are all movies to buy and watch year after year!

A Christmas Story (1983)
All Ralphie wants in the entire world is a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. This 1940s family is hilarious. You’ll love Ralphie’s irritable father, his whiny brother, and his all-American mother.

Elf (2003)
What could be more fun for a kid to watch than a six foot tall elf? Between Will Farrell’s great performance and the wacky concept of an Elf on the loose in New York City, this is destined to become a Christmas classic.

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
No list of “Must See Holiday Movies” would be complete without this James Stewart and Donna Reed classic. Share this timeless story with your children.

The Santa Clause (1994)
Every kids dream is to go to the North Pole, but how many kids can say that Santa is their Dad? Watch an unwilling Tim Allen become Santa.

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
Great Gonzo as Charles Dickens? How can you go wrong? This lighthearted, humorous version is a perfect introduction to the classic Charles Dickens tale.

“V For Vendetta” The Movie And These Days.

I must confess that the day I watched the trailer of “V For Vendetta” at the movie theater I wasn't any close to be willing to pay a ticket for watching that guy with a funny mask on his face. It seemed to me it would be one more of those simple movies extracted from a not very known “comic” (at least for me) that are appearing in theaters quite often these days. But now that I watched it, I think I was judging this movie wrong and not being totally fair with the writer and director.

It was quite surprising to follow the story and its continuous resemblance to what is happening today in a not too far away country and not too strange neighborhoods. In the movie is England that has been taken over by a group of fanatics that have concluded that their reason to live is power and the imposition of his world model and ideas over everyone and everywhere. There is a continuous war outside the borders and inside democracy is over; meanwhile fear is alive. People has lost the power of questioning reality and take conscience of the terrible consequences of living under such a decadent regime. It is a model based not in reason not in justice. Is the model “fascists” preach, where obedience and a “clock-like” functioning of the society in the interest of a few “chosen ones” is needed.

But suddenly there is a problem menacing the “status-quo”, they (without knowing) have created their own finisher. It is a figure that appears to us as a mix of revenge with a revolutionary mind, its name is “V”. Though the movie makes it closer to a simple vengeance thirst of this character, which is a bad point for the writer, but anyway; the film put us in front of tyranny being challenged by a single questioner, a single doubt of what has been happening to that society and his menace to multiply those doubts once the right time has come, this is…The 5th of November.

There is also the human side of “V”, he meets the girl in the movie thanks to his opportune showing while she is about to be raped by a group of secret agents of the “fascist” regime that have catch her walking at the wrong hours. You are not even the owner of your time as long as the preachers of “England Prevails” are in power. She escapes safe thanks to “V” but only to be initiated into the world of those who will change that world. She will be the guest and prisoner of “V” until she finally learns that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

At the end there seems to be a split of the vengeance appetites of “V” and the revolutionary intentions that have been growing as the story develops. It becomes somewhat clear that everything coming from the old regime must die, including “V”, but he has left a final gift and maybe a lesson for those who want to learn it. Passions belong to individuals and can be very powerful forces; but revolutions can not be made by one or two individuals, revolutions are made by the conscience and willing of the people.

“Brokeback Mountain” Movie, When Love Won’t Count.

After a number of months hearing once and again a ton of good comments about “Brokeback Mountain” movie I finally had the opportunity to watch this movie in the theaters. I know I'm kind of late, even Oscars have passed, but it took sometime for the film to arrive in my town.

Curious sensation what I felt when the movie started playing, after hearing so many comments about the film I was at the point from which I already knew, at least from the morbid side, what the story was about and who was whom on the screen. At least that's what I thought.

It all starts in the distance; one truck passing by the hills and then we find one young man outside an office that seems to be far away from everything. Then our second character arrives almost pushing his old black truck. It is now that we realize what they are looking for…they need a job.

They are hired to take care of sheep in the mountains of Wyoming, they will spend the summer together in the mountains, they will live and work side by side during all those days. As they arrive to their destination, “del Mar” , feeling more confident, releases a few words from his mouth and starts talking a bit more and showing some signals of sympathy to his buddy. He is a tough young man with a family history with resemblance of a nightmare from one of those Dickens stories. No one suspects anything “out of normal” is happening in the story. Days seem to be passing without any great novelty.

But something new happens, something out of the regular tasks of those working days and nights at “Brokeback Mountain”. Something has arisen between the two men, it is like a storm coming from nowhere that has entered their lives and that will mark them forever. It seems to be just a passionate episode of the lonely at the beginning, a dream that none will ever know. But reality dictates something different, what just happened, will continue happening once and again, they are attached forever by a force that makes or bends the will of anyone; something we may call, love.

Summer is over and both men must go back to their worlds away from the mountain, to their previous lives, but inside them in a secret place they know those lives exist no more. They have been confronted with their most inner reality and it won't go away.

They will marry wives and strive to pursue a “normal” life just to realize they are being a pair of fakes. They don't belong to that traditional society, they belong only to each other since those day in the mountains. They finally decide and meet again outside “del Mar's” home, a poor second floor apartment. He hasn't had much luck in life since childhood and it seems to accentuate everyday, now even his wife knows about his preferences. We are inclined to conclude his only luck and fortune in life is what he feels for Jack, his “fishing buddy”.

Things go wrong at “del Mar's” home, marriage brakes and he is left alone fighting for life in a society that would stone him to death if they only knew. But there are bright moments too, and those happen at “Brokeback” where he regularly meets Jack  who travels from far away Texas to meet the only love he has known.

By the end of the story there have been conflicts arising between the partners; too much distance and just a scarce proximity can not improve any relation. They have just had a bad encounter in their paradise, they part away with the promise of meeting again and fix what can be fixed when suddenly the story takes us to a scene where “del Mar” receives the notice of Jack's death in a cold post card with letters that say “deceased”. Everything indicates he has been murdered, he was caught by those who won't let the “others” happen. And now Ennis del Mar has been left aside from society, with his love eternally longing for Jack and a daughter that will get married soon and who doesn't know his dad is a loner for a reason; and love won't count.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Dara Singh

Dara Singh was a Punjabi wrestler-turned-actor from Indian Punjab.He started acting in 1952 and was the first sportsman to be nominated to the Rajya Sabha by Bhartiya Janata Party during August 2003 – August 2009.
He died on 12 July 2012 around 7.30 in the morning at his residence, Dara Villa in Juhu area of Mumbai due to cardiac arrest.

Early life and career

Due to his massive physique, he was encouraged in Pehlwani, an Indian style of wrestling, in the milked sand wrestling pits called akhara. He wrestled on invitation of kings of Indian princely states and wrestled frequently in haats and melas (fairs and carnivals). He successfully competed against some of the greatest names in wrestling history and professional wrestlers in the United States.
Singh went to Singapore in 1947 and became the Champion of Malaysia (Indian style wrestling) by defeating Tarlok Singh in Kuala Lumpur. He has toured almost all far-east countries as a professional wrestler. Dara Singh returned to India in 1952, became the Indian Champion and won the title Rustam-E-Hind in 1954.

Dara Singh mentioned as the World Cup Holder in a poster of the World Cup for Wrestling
Singh included over 500 professional fights to his credit, all undefeated.[citation needed] In the world of wrestling, he competed against some of the greatest names like King Kong (Australia), George Gordienko (Canada), John Desilva (New Zealand) and others. Singh won the titles of 'Rustam-E-Punjab' and 'Rustam-E-Hind' for his wrestling prowess.

All India Jat Mahasabha Centenary Celebrations 2007, Seen in the image are Dharmendra, Dara Singh (sitting in center bearing turban) and Kamal Patel
His last tournament where he announced his retirement was held in Delhi in 1983, inaugrated by Rajiv Gandhi and the winning trophy was presented by Giani Zail Singh. In 1996 he was inducted into the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame.
Films and television

He started his career as an actor in 1952 with Sangdil. He remains as the Action King of Bollywood of the 1960s and 1970s, and believed to have started the trend of Taking the shirt off. He made a large number of Hindi and Punjabi films which had him in the lead. One of his notable friends was the actress Mumtaz with whom he had performed in 16 Hindi films. He then went on to television in the 1980s and 1990s where he played the role of Hanuman in the television adaptation of the Hindu epic Ramayan. He worked in some television serial shows, including Had Kar Di which was aired on Zee TV. He has acted in 146 films. His latest Hindi movie is Jab We Met and his latest Punjabi movie is Dil Apna Punjabi. He acted in National Award winning film Main Maa Punjab Dee (Director Balwant Singh Dullat).

He was admitted in Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital on July 7th 2012 following a cardiac arrest.  In the late hours of 11 Jul 2012, he was released from hospital in deference to the wishes of his family and shifted to his residence. He died on 12 July 2012. at 7.30 am. He was to be cremated at Juhu crematorium.
Personal life

From his first marriage, he has a son Parduman Singh Randhawa and from his second marriage he has five children: two sons and three daughters including TV and film actor Vindu Dara Singh.
Awards and accomplishments

Although most of the major achievements have been covered hereinabove yet some significant awards and accomplishments to Dara Singh are appended below.

National Wrestling Alliance:
Canadian Open Tag Team Champion (1 time) – with Yukon Eric

In India:

Rustam-E-Punjab in 1966
Rustam-E-Hind in 1978
Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards:
Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame
Class of 1996

Dhyanu Bhagat (1978)
Sawa Lakh Se Ek Ladaun (1976)
Bhagat Dhanna Jatt (1974)
Mera Desh Mera Dharam (1973)
Nanak Dukhiya Sub Sansar (1970)
As producer
Karan (1994)
Bhakti Mein Shakti (1978)
As actor
Jab We Met (2007) ...Geet's grandfather
Kya Hoga Nimmo Ka (2006) TV series .... Amardeep Sehgal (Dadaji)
Dil Apna Punjabi (2006) .... Hardam Singh
Kal Ho Naa Ho (2003) .... Chaddha uncle
Border Hindustan Ka (2003) .... Jamail Singh
Shararat(2002) .... Mr. Gujral
Farz (2001) .... Tayaji
Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge (2000) .... Sapna's grandfather (guest appearance)
Dillagi (1999)
Zulmi (1999) .... Baba Thakur
Guru Gobind Singh (1998)
Main Maa Punjab Dee (1998, National Award winner film directed by Balwant Dullat) )
Qahar (1998) .... Special Guest
Lav Kush (1997) .... Hanuman
Ram Shastra (1995) .... Police Commissioner
Karan (1994)
Bechain (1993)
Anmol (1993) .... Dara Shamsher, Zafar's father
Prem Deewane (1992) .... Loha Singh
Dharam Sankat (1991) .... Dara (the dacoit)
Ajooba (1991) .... Maharaja Karan Singh
Maut Ki Sazaa (1991) .... Pyara Singh
Pratigya (1990) .... Daku Delavar Singh
Sheran De Putt Sher (1990) .... Subedaar
Shehzaade (1989) (uncredited) .... Jailor
Elaan-E-Jung (1989) as bheema
Gharana (1989) .... Vijay Singh Pahelwan
Maula Jatt (1988) .... Maula Jatt & Dharma
"Luv Kush" / "Uttar Ramayan" (1989) TV Series .... Hanuman
Paanch Fauladi (1988) .... Ustadji (Fauladi #1)
Mahaveera (1988) .... Delar Singh
Mahabharat (1988) TV Series .... Hanuman
Karma (1986) .... Dharma (Jolly's elder brother)
Bulekha (1986)
Krishna-Krishna (1986) .... Bhagwan Shri Balram
Ramayan (1986) TV Series .... Hanuman
Sajna Sath Nibhana (1986) .... Joseph
Maaveeran (1986) .... tamil movie remake of Mard (Hindi) movie, played as father of Rajnikanth
Mutharamkunnu P.O. (1985) .. as himself (language Malayalam)
Mard (1985) .... Raja Azaad Singh
Aan Aur Shaan (1984)
Babul Da Vehra (1983)
Unkhili Muttiar (1983)
Main Intequam Loonga (1982) .... Ajay Kumar
Rustom (1982)
Guru Suleman Chela Pahelwan (1981)
Khel Muqaddar Ka (1981)
Chambal Ki Rani (1979)
Bhakti Mein Shakti (1978) .... Dyanu Bhakt
Dhyani Bhagat (1978)
Nalayak (1978) .... Pahelwan
Sone Ka Dil Lohe Ke Haath (1978) .... Nihalchand
Giddha (1978) .... Bhalwaan Dulla ji
Jai Bolo Chakradhari (1977)
Ram Bharose (1977)
Jai Bajrang Bali (1976) .... Bhagwan Shri Bajrangbali/Hanumanji
Lambhardarni (1976)
Raakhi Aur Rifle (1976)
Sawa Lakh Se Ek Ladaun (1976) .... Kartar Singh
Dharam Karam (1975) .... Ustaad ji
Dharmatma (1975)
Warrant (1975) .... Pyaara Singh
Bhagat Dhanna Jatt (1974) .... Dhanna Jatt
Dukh Bhanjan Tera Naam (1974) .... Daku Daulay Khan
Har Har Mahadev (1974)
Kisan Aur Bhagwan (1974)
Zehreela Insaan (1974)
Hum Sab Chor Hain (1973)
Mera Desh Mera Dharam (1973)
Aankhon Aankhon Mein (1972) .... Pahelwan
Hari Darshan (1972) .... Bhagwan Shiv
Lalkaar (1972)
Mele Mitran De (1972)
Sultana Daku (1972)
Ramu Ustad (1971) .... Ramu
Tulsi Vivah (1971) .... Bhagwan Shri Shiv
Anand (1970) as guest appearance
Choron Ka Chor (1970)
Ilzaam (1970)
Mera Naam Joker (1970) .... Sher Singh
Nanak Dukhiya Sab Sansar (1970) .... Kartar Singh
Apna Khoon Apna Dushman (1969)
Toofan (1969) .... Badal
Balram Shri Krishna (1968) .... Balram
Do Dushman (1967)
Daku Mangal Singh (1966)
Jawan Mard lead
Ramayana .... Hanuman
Daada ( 1966 )
Watan Se Door ( 1967 )
Saat Samunder Paar ( 1967 )
Sikandar-E-Azam (1965...Alexander

Tuesday 10 July 2012


Cast : Deepika Padukone, Saif Ali Khan, Diana Penty, Dimple Kapadia, Boman Irani
Director : Homi Adajania
Producer : Saif Ali Khan, Dinesh Vijan
Story : Cocktail is the story of Gautam, Veronica and Meera and their bond of love and friendship. But when a love triangle forms between them their friendship is put to test.  
Genre : Romance